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The Besinnlicherizer: Create Besinnliche Images

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About Besinnlicherizer

Since everybody, literally everyone it seems, is fiddling around with the new ML (machine learning) and AI tools these days, I could not resist as well, despite my old age. :)
So as part of a simple IT challenge of my employer I created this little tool to create nice pictures of some X-mas spirit on the base of regular image. The idea is to use a very simple process of analyzing an uploaded image (currently by Azure Vision), modify the resulting text with some X-mas phrases and cram the new result into an image generator (currently OpenAI).

Terms of Usage

If you upload images to this little service you have the full rights on that image to publish it freely for other users to see. There is now commercialization on the uploaded images.
Currently, the generation of images is limited to 1 per hour, maybe I will later add ads to finance the ML APIs in order to allow more image generation runs.
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